Sunday, January 1, 2012

Predictions for 2012

Now is the time for resolutions and predictions for 2012.
Have you ever said, "I could've predicted that?"
Well, I have. . .so here goes.

1. There will be devasting tornados in the U.S.
and deadly earthquakes in the world,

2.   President Obama's real birth certificate will be found. 
Many will be surprised by the details!

3.  In spite of the cost of groceries rising ridiculously,
Americans will continue to be overweight.

4.  The world will NOT end on December 12, 2012,

5.   Again, in 2012, Laurie Jensen will  NOT win the
 Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes.

6.  Yet another politician faces scandal when his personal
life is exposed.

7.  The Upper Midwest winter will be cold and snowy.

8.   The best movie of the year will not win an Oscar.

9.  While the Vikings will improve in 2012, they have
no chance at winning the Super Bowl.

10.  Gas prices will fall right around Memorial Day,
but by the end of summer, the cost of gas will go up.
Then just before the election, gas prices will drop drastically
before going up again the next day.

11.  Another rock star will die of a drug overdose.

and finally. . .

12.   It will be a very close National Election in November.
The winner will be either a democrat or a republican.

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