Monday, October 17, 2011

October 19, 1930

They just don't write up weddings for the newspaper like they used to!

Popular Dalton Couple Married
     "Another autumn wedding took place Sunday, October 19, at the Parkdale church immediately after the forenoon services when Ralph Melby and Mabel Dahlager of Dalton exchanged marriage vows.  Services were read by Pastor Berlie.
     Lohengrin's wedding march was played by Miss Carrie Moen of Concordia College, Moorhead, as the bridal party entered.  The groom entered escorted by the best man, Orion Dahlager, a brother of the bride, and took their places at the altar.  They were followed by Miss Esther Berlie, maid of honor.   She wore a gown of pink georgette and lace and carried a corsage of pink roses.  Miss Esther Dahlager, a sister of the bride, was Junior bridesmaid.  She was dressed in pale yellow georgette with a corsage of yellow roses.  Oscar Lien acted as usher.
     The bride was charming in a white satin gown, ankle length and fashioned princess style.  Her long veil was held in place by orange blossoms.   She carried a bouquet of pink roses.   The wedding vows were spoken under an improvised arch of white and pink.  Miss Sadie Rovang of Fergus Falls sang "Love Divine," "Love So Tenderly" and "O Perfect Love."  Mendelssohn's wedding march was play for the recessional.
    The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to about 40 relatives.  Miss Mildred Swendsrud and Miss Carrie Moen were waitresses.  Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Chicago, a sister of the groom also attended.   Two huge wedding cakes were presented to the bride as gifts; one from Mrs. Berlie and one from Mrs. Tom Bratvold, the groom's sister
    The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dahlager   They left the same day for a wedding trip and after returning will make their home in Dalton where the groom is engaged in the oil business"  (From the Fergus Falls Daily Journal, Oct. 22, 1930.)

This was my parent's wedding write-up.  I just though it would be fun to share this as the date of their anniversary is almost here.   At the time of my dad's death in 1991, they had been married 61 years.  (Mom died at the age of 102 last November.)

Note.  . . 
1.  Dad's brother Joe was supposed to be the best man, but he had surgery for appendicitis and could not be there.   Orion took the best man's position, and Oscar Lien filled in as an usher at the last minute.  

2.  Sarpsborg Church was often called Parkdale Church.

3.  The last paragraph notes that "the groom is engaged in the oil business."    Well, not exactly in THE oil business!  Dad was part owner of the Skelly gas station in Dalton at the time - usually referred to as the "filling station" in those days.

1 comment:

marie gjerde schlink said...

I feel like I hit the jackpot today. I am thrilled to read your blog. We are doubly related because my grandma and grandpa were Mons Gjerde and Christine Dahlager - siblings of your grandparents, Elsie and John. In the last couple days, with the frigid weather outside, I have stayed in and have been communicating with Pam Jensen about our family tree. She started a site on FB called the Mons and Christine Gjerde Family. She posted a picture of the Vestre Slidre church which I then found when I googled "Vestre Slidre" There were several colored pictures and one black and white, just like Pam had posted. I clicked on it and there you were, with all this wonderful information...I think we met at Uncle Milton's funeral. I have been meaning to contact you. I had no idea you knew so much! I am thrilled and thank you for keeping all these wonderful records and pictures and sharing them too. Thanks be to God!!