Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ghostly stories.

Our family used to live just north of Dalton.
There were some strange things that happened out there.
I don't believe in "Ghosts"
But if I did, I would think they wandered around out there.

One evening there was a loud bang;
It sounded like someone had thrown a baseball on the ceiling
in the basement.

I went downstairs to ask Lee what he was doing.
He was coming up the stairs to see what the noise was all about.
We never did find anything out of place.

More than once it sounded like something
had fallen - but we could not find anything
out of place - ever.

Nearly every morning at just about 5:00 a.m.
there was a noise that sounded like a door closing.
No one was up, and it didn't matter if it was summer or winter.
And the noise didn't go away after remodeling the end of the house
where the noise  was coming from.

But wait, the story doesn't end there!
One night as I lay in bed it sounded like
someone was whispering.
There was no one in the room with me.
I thought to myself,
"If only I could hear better."
The whispering got fainter and fainter,
almost as if the noise was above my head and traveling
out of the room.
After that, I never heard the noise
of a door closing at 5:00 a.m. again.

Then there's the time that the kids and I were
sitting outside on a nice summer evening.
Out of the corner of my eye,
I thought I saw a man up in the rock pile,
behind the granary.
One of the kids saw the same thing.
But on a second look, there was nothing there.

And then there's the time when I was in the kitchen
eating breakfast.
I looked at the phone and the cord
was swaying back & forth fairly vigorously.

And one time when I was watching TV
there was a scent of perfume
that was unexplainable.

We heard there was a couple of infant burials
in the backyard - many, many years ago.
And then we heard that someone came out (without permission)
and scattered their loved one's ashes in the yard
(They had lived there a long time ago)
But I still don't believe in ghosts.



Anonymous said...

There were other incidents, also - I maybe will write about them later.

Melissa said...


Synova said...

That's weird because I never heard of anything spooky happening there. Maybe you brought them with you? Albert was a superstitious person and my mom said he believed little people lived there and were angry when he sold it. But as far as I know no one in our family ever so much as heard a thump, not even in the old house with it's dirt cellar and cistern underneath.

I'd never heard that any babies were buried there, though I suppose people did that way back when. Who's ashes was it?


Anonymous said...

Julie - Maybe the "ghost" as mad because your family moved!" The ashes were from one of Albert's kids.