Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"B" Street

This is a very early picture of "B" Street.
This is in Dalton and all four of the houses you see
are still standing.
I have found information that this street was called
"B" Street as early as 1911.

I don't know if any other streets began with a letter of the alphabet...
but I did hear that this was called "B" Street 
because all of those who lived there had
last names that begin with B.
Makes sense, I guess!?

Two of the B families that were living there were: 

I wonder who else lived on this street? 
Was it the Brand family,  the Bothun family,
 the Brendals, or the Bergs?
Maybe the Berger family lived here,
Or was it the Berlie's?
Then there was the Bye family and the Brandt's,
the Bjorge's, the Bakke's, the Boe's and the Bergby's,
and even a Bridgewater!

All these "B" families in the small town of Dalton in 1911!

The things you learn when you read the old Dalton news!!

For those of you who may be wondering who lives in these houses now:
from left to right:    Robert Sander, vacant (Mary Potts used to live there), 
Johansen family, and the Reger family.  

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