Monday, August 20, 2012


My great grandmother is celebrating her 75th birthday in this picture.
She is surrounded by some of her grandchildren.
This photo is from 1928.
My Mom is in the second row, second from the right.
I notice her siblings on the photo, but some of these children
I do not know.

Five years later, on August 20, 1933 the family had an 80th birthday party 
for Great-Grandma.  On this photo, Great-grandma is seated in the middle, 
behind the children sitting on the ground.  Her son John (my grandpa) is sitting next to her.    
My mom is on the end on the right, hanging on to Ernie, who was about a year old.
My Dad, just to the left, is keeping a watchful eye on things! {I think Evie
is sitting in the front row, the 7th one from the left}

 All of the adults shown in this photo are no longer living.
It is great to have these old photos!  Many of these people died long before
I was born, but  it is amazing to see the resemblances
between my ancestors and some of their descendants.

My great grandparents had  10 children,
My grandparents had 7 children,
My parents had 9 children.

Gotta love those big families!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What a gift to have all these pictures from your family's history! (And I love big families, too!) :-)