Friday, August 12, 2011

Opiniated Opinion

I may be somewhat opiniated,
but I mostly keep my opinions to myself.
But today I feel like voicing my opinion!

I was in a store looking for a birthday card.
Thought I'd find a funny one,
so I was looking in the humorous section--
I like a good laugh as much as anyone,
I do have a pretty good sense of humor.
Those who know me know this.

But today I was reminded of how things are changing,
and in my opiniated opinion,
not always for the better.

I noticed one card had a picture of Jesus on the outside
(this was in the humorous section)
He was wearing a crown of thorns - you've seen the picture.
On the outside, the card said:
"He died for our sins."

I admit I was curious, so I picked it up
to read the inside.
The inside said;
"So go ahead, live it up - you're covered!"

This really offended me!
In a world where one has to be careful not to
offend many minority issues, I am usually pretty
careful - maybe I should not be.

Some groups are offended by  Christmas,
or the 10 commandments, or prayer.
Me?  I'm offended by jokes that make fun of God,
I'm offended by witches & devils on halloween,
and many other things that I will not bring up....yet.

In a world of tolerance, political-correctness,
it seems everything is acceptable except
What I am wondering is this:
 why those who are activists for whatever...
 those who advocate tolerance for just about anything...
those hung up on political correctness....
Why do they not tolerate the beliefs of the
Christian community?

OK, I've been on my soapbox!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Stay right on that soapbox, Laurie! That card is a disgusting piece of work.
I have often wondered the same thing; in our country it seems like the rule is let's be tolerant of everything except Christianity.