Sunday, August 21, 2011

Church Picnic

Today was our church picnic.
I think this is the third year we have done this.
It was a beautiful day
as you can see by the photos!
The picnic was held at the Dalton Threshing grounds.

There were about 170 people who attended!
This picture shows part of the line-up to the meal.

Some ate their meal outside,
after all, this was a picnic!

But most opted to eat inside--
Where there were tables
and. . . . .
they had an easier access to
second helpings of the delicious food!
BBQ pork, salads, hotdishes,
cakes, desserts, fruit & vegetables.
Plenty of food for everyone,
but we did run short on the plates & forks,
since there were many more people here
this year than last year.

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