I was desolate and lost in sin
Then God in mercy took me in
By giving His Son to die for me
By shedding His blood on Calvary's tree.
He redeemed me and now I see
The blessed thought that now I'm free
He took all my sins away
and now I live for Him each day. (Nov. 1992)
"Winter Morning"
This morning through my window
I can see the new white snow.
Everything around so peaceful
In the dawning's rosy glow.
The trees were all so frosty white
The sky was clear and blue,
God gave to us this beauty bright
For our enjoyment too!
My cares and worries seems far away
as I gazed at the peaceful sight
It seemed that God had cleansed the world
and made it pure and white.
Mom lived to the age of 102 and even wrote a few poems around the time of her 100th birthday.