Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More from Mom's Scrapbook

I guess I should call my blog "Lolly's Family History" or something like that!
But it is fun to share some of this old stuff.

 Mom saved a couple of candy wrappers and pasted them in her scrapbook. 
The "Oh Mabel!" was saved for obvious reasons.
 I don't know who Ole may have been, but there were plenty of them around in the old days.
 This was an invitation to the Parkdale Choir - must have been a Thanksgiving party.  For those who don't know, Sarpsborg was often called Parkdale for many years.

 Here  is a napkin from a bridal shower in 1926.  Still cute after all these years!

When Mom started dating Dad, he owned the Skelly station in Dalton.  
Whoever cut this out and gave it to Mom added a little bit to the picture, as you can see. 
The little boy is supposed to be Mom's brother Orion, and he is saying, "I'll tell Mabel!" 
The initials on the boy are "O.P.D." (Orion Philip Dahlager)
and the truck driver has the initials added of "R.J.M." (Ralph J. Melby)
Wedding card from Mom & Dad (1930) - It says:
Wedding Day Congratulations,
May it be a big day that you'll never forget
May the first hundred years be the happiest.
    (signed by Art H. Hanson)

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