Monday, January 2, 2012

If These Walls Could Talk!

My bathroom remodeling project is well under way!
Look what was found hidden in the walls!

A whole pile of valentines were found - The envelopes
were yellowed & brittle, but these valentines
are in pretty good shape, complete with
moveable arms!  I am sure these
were from the 1950's, and they had not been written on.

Then there was this old crochet cross
found between the first floor & basement.

This cute wrapping paper was fold and still cute,
although brittle.

Wonder if we'll find anything else?   There was a couple of pens, a crayon,
a yellow balloon, parts of soap/deodorant boxes, and much dust.
There are a couple of
items found that I won't mention here!
[Keep you wondering!!]

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